Avoiding Babylon
Comedy • News • Spirituality/Belief
Catholic channel and podcast focused on community, eutrapelia, and good cheer. We discuss news and topics but try to do so in a way that leads to hope, not despair. We try to remind ourselves and those who enjoy the channel that being Catholic is a joyful and exciting experience. Above all, we try to bring humor and joy to the craziness of this fallen world.
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Since Margo literally screams for content…

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Presidential Debate Highlights and Another Fake Apparition?

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Merchandise: ...

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Has Lofton begun to turn around? 🧐🤔😏 It might be worth checking out his most recent video (“The Pope Doubles Down”) on the latest Pope Francis statements. 😎

September 17, 2024
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September 14, 2024

Im a new catholic, having been baptized last Easter, and find myself incensed by Pope Francis's statements the other day expressing religious indifference. While i will not leave the Church, this seems like an invalidation of the reasons as to why i even joined. It tells me i could have just become a muslim, buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion and still have been saved, it flys in the face of God's commandment to have no other gods before Him. I think the best thing we can do and should do is start writing letters and ask our fellow parishioners to do the same so our bishops can atleast come out against this statement and affirm that it is not a magisterial teaching. If enough bishops do this hopefully the pope will take a step back and think twice before making these kind of statements that severely damage peoples faith.

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