Avoiding Babylon
Comedy • News • Spirituality/Belief
Catholic channel and podcast focused on community, eutrapelia, and good cheer. We discuss news and topics but try to do so in a way that leads to hope, not despair. We try to remind ourselves and those who enjoy the channel that being Catholic is a joyful and exciting experience. Above all, we try to bring humor and joy to the craziness of this fallen world.
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Pints with Matt Fradd in Babylon

When the echoes of division within the Catholic Church reach a crescendo, it takes the candid insights of someone like Matt Fradd to make sense of the cacophony. Sailing through the choppy waters of ecclesiastical tribalism, Matt joins us for an episode that doesn't shy away from the controversies and challenges that the faithful face today. From the ripples caused by the McCarrick scandal to the storm of the pandemic, we venture into the realities of leadership crises and the quest for unity that is both heartfelt and urgent.

In a community bound by tradition and shaken by change, the path to navigating liturgical shifts and the rising tide of cultural commentary is not for the faint of heart. Matt generously charts his personal evolution, sharing stories that range from his early crusade against pornography to his thoughtful engagement with broader Catholic thought. A conversation that bounces from the sanctity of the confessional to the public square, we grapple with the need for a compassionate yet firm approach to the issues that pull at the fabric of our parishes and families alike.

There's a richness to this episode that extends beyond the theological and into the everyday lived experiences of those who hold their faith close. Whether it's a laughable attempt at a best-man speech, navigating the pitfalls of gender stereotypes, or the transformative power of personal changes on marriage, we cover the gamut. In a parting gesture of fellowship, we share stories of those who find solace in their faith and the unspoken bonds that bring us together in appreciation of our shared journey. Join us for an episode that's as enlightening as it is enveloping as we seek to fortify our community bonds against the backdrop of a world in flux.


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Embark on a profound exploration of what it truly means to live a life of Christian righteousness, following the insightful spiritual guidance of Bishop Jacques Bossuet. With Lent upon us, we delve into the essence of a faith that surpasses mere exterior ritual, seeking instead a genuine connection with the teachings of Christ. Discover how Jesus redefines righteousness, inviting us to transcend the wisdom of the pagans and the justice of the Jewish law and, ultimately, to strive for the perfection found in knowing Him. This episode promises a contemplative journey that not only enlightens but also challenges us to grow spiritually.

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Since Margo literally screams for content…

Rescheduling Tonight's Show

Sorry everyone, we have to reschedule tonight's show to Friday night at 8pm ET.

“Vanquish or Die” would be a great movie to review on AB.

@AvoidingBabylon just wanted to say, new to the locals. Found you guys relatively recently when you had Tim Gordon on and have been listening to every episode since. You guys are an awesome blend of fun mixed with critical commentary. And yes, I have accepted Mary as my personal Mother and Intercessor!

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