Avoiding Babylon
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Catholic channel and podcast focused on community, eutrapelia, and good cheer. We discuss news and topics but try to do so in a way that leads to hope, not despair. We try to remind ourselves and those who enjoy the channel that being Catholic is a joyful and exciting experience. Above all, we try to bring humor and joy to the craziness of this fallen world.
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Toward Easter - Daily Readings & Meditations for Lent 2025 - Day 21

The Sacred Heart begins to beat. The Word becomes flesh. Heaven touches earth in the womb of a virgin. The Annunciation marks that singular moment when God's redemptive plan dramatically unfolds through Mary's simple yet profound "yes."

Today's meditation focuses on Mary's fiat—"Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word"—exploring how her lifelong habit of faithfulness prepared her for this cosmos-altering moment. We discover that sanctification hinges not on grand gestures but on consistent fidelity to grace in life's smallest details. As Saint Bernadette reminds us, whatever trials or sacrifices God may ask, we're called to respond with Mary's loving surrender.

The true marvel emerges when we explore the Golden Legend's revelation about March 25th throughout salvation history. This single date witnesses Adam's creation and fall, Cain's murder of Abel, Melchizedek's offering, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, John the Baptist's beheading, and according to tradition, Christ's crucifixion. J.R.R. Tolkien, recognizing this profound pattern, deliberately chose March 25th for the Ring's destruction in his epic mythology. This cosmic symmetry—where humanity's beginning, fall, and redemption align on a single date—reveals God's meticulous authorship of salvation.

How might your daily "yeses" transform your spiritual journey? Join us in celebrating this extraordinary feast by attending Mass if possible, praying the Angelus at noon and 6pm, and perhaps substituting today's Rosary with the Joyful Mysteries in honor of this momentous event when divinity clothed itself in humanity, setting in motion our redemption.


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Also sponsored by Quest Pipe Co. Get your St Isaac Jogues pipe here: https://questpipeco.com/discount/Amish?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Fst-isaac-jogues-limited-edition

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Toward Easter - Daily Readings & Meditations for Lent 2025 - Day 27

Spiritual combat isn't primarily waged on dramatic battlefields but in the everyday moments of family life. This reflection for Day 27 of Lent examines how the home serves as our essential training ground for virtue.

Drawing from St. John's Gospel account of Christ speaking about the temple of His body, we explore the parallel between Christ's suffering and resurrection and our own spiritual journey. The reading reminds us that just as Good Friday leads to Easter Sunday, our daily crosses lead to spiritual transformation when embraced properly.

St. Padre Pio's wisdom resonates powerfully: "It is in the family home that we best learn to practice self-denial." Yet modern lifestyles have significantly diminished our time at home. Where generations before naturally developed patience and forbearance through constant proximity, today's families scatter to schools, workplaces, and activities. When frustrations arise, technology offers immediate escape rather than challenging us to work through relational ...

Toward Easter - Daily Readings & Meditations for Lent 2025 - Day 26

Rejoice! Even in the midst of Lenten discipline, the Church invites us to pause and glimpse the joy waiting on Easter morning. Laetare Sunday—marked by rose vestments replacing the penitential purple—arrives precisely when many of us have settled into the rhythm of our Lenten commitments but might need encouragement for the journey ahead.

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Toward Easter - Daily Readings & Meditations for Lent 2025 - Day 25

What happens when mercy meets judgment? The Gospel story of the woman caught in adultery offers a masterclass in Christ's approach to sin and sinners. When the Pharisees brought a woman before Jesus, demanding her stoning according to Mosaic Law, they thought they had created the perfect trap. Instead, Jesus turned their judgment back on them with his famous words: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."

This powerful Lenten reflection explores how Jesus models the perfect balance between acknowledging sin's gravity while showing compassion toward sinners. Contrary to popular perception, Jesus wasn't treating sin lightly when He refused to condemn the adulterous woman. Rather, He hated sin so profoundly that He became incarnate specifically to take it upon Himself. His mercy toward the sinner exists alongside His uncompromising stance against sin itself—a nuanced position we struggle to maintain today.

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March 29, 2025

Just wanted to say to my American Catholic brethren how encouraged and enamoured with you I am, especially those champions for Christ in Kansas.

Vivo Cristo Rey!!

March 29, 2025

Michael Knowles interviewed Tim Alberino about ancient architecture and released it today on his channel. Figured there'd be some interest in this crowd.

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